Skull doll (Catrina) was inspired by the Mexican traditions. Day of the Dead (Día de los Muerto…
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The set contains 3 doll patterns - Penny, Queenie, Ruby PENNY the Christmas Pudding doll who has a s…
Crochet the cutest angel! With this step-by-step amigurumi pattern it`s easier than ever. She i…
Snowflake fairies are fairies who create snowflakes, many of which are sent to Earth to make childre…
Willa the Winter Fairy wishes you a very happy day. Get your hook and enjoy it! The size of th…
Cleopatra was the Queen of Ancient Egypt and is still one of the most famous women in world history.…
Make this chic and stylish French girl for your daughter or for your best friend. Mademoiselle Charl…
She is the prettiest sheep in her herd. Every morning she picks the most beautiful flowers from the …
This is the time of the Sunflowers. Heather Hippie just got one for her self. Happy Sunflower time a…
The ancient Greeks believed opals gave their owners the gift of prophecy and guarded them from disea…
Citrine is believed to be of value in healing the spiritual self as well, as it is a powerful cleans…
The cutest gift you can ever give. The doll is small so it will be ready quite fast. Perfect last mi…
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Level Up the Festive spirit with these flowerpot cosies. The size of the doll is going to be around …
Skull doll (Catrina) was inspired by the Mexican traditions. Day of the Dead (Día de los Muerto…
The importance and meaning of a birthstone in a person’s life can’t be denied. Birthstones are gems …
The ancient Greeks believed opals gave their owners the gift of prophecy and guarded them from disea…
Make this chic and stylish French girl for your daughter or for your best friend. Mademoiselle Charl…
Willa the Winter Fairy wishes you a very happy day. Get your hook and enjoy it! The size of th…
The set contains 3 doll patterns - Penny, Queenie, Ruby PENNY the Christmas Pudding doll who has a s…
Snowflake fairies are fairies who create snowflakes, many of which are sent to Earth to make childre…
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The Skull doll (male+female )patterns were inspired by the Mexican traditions -- Day of the Dead (Dí…
Horgold meg a legcukibb őrangyalkát, aki vigyáz a szeretteidre! Ezzel a részletes leírással most kön…
A készlet 3 babamintát tartalmaz - Penny, Queenie, Ruby PENNY, a karácsonyi süti baba, aki nagyon éd…
Horgolt rénszarvas mindenkinek, aki szereti a karácsonyt. Piros-zöld öltözékében karácsonyi hangulat…
Ő PENNY, a karácsonyi süti baba, aki nagyon édesszájú. Ha ismersz valakit a családodból, aki szereti…
Queenie a Mikulás kis segítője, aki felelős a játékok válogatásáért, mielőtt a Mikulás eljuttatná a …
Roxy Róka és Mandy Egér már kicsi koruk óta a legjobb barátok. Csináld meg most őket! Ennek a PDF fi…
A steampunk mint stílus az ún. neoviktoriánus stílusból (viktoriánus éra) meríti formáit, …
A hajdúsági népviseletbe bújt baba az ünnepi alkalomra pártát kötött. Egyszerűen követhető minta, am…
Kleopátra az ókori Egyiptom királynője volt, aki a mai napig az egyik legismertebb történelmi nőalak…
Mademoiselle Charlotte imádja frissen főzött kávéval és egy még gőzölgő, meleg croissant-a…
A rajzolás vagy írás sokkal élvezetesebb lesz ezekkel az aranyos figurákkal. Használhatók bábként is…
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Patricia doll ( Hat+Vest )
She is Patricia. Her favorite pastime is shopping. Especially dresses and accessories. Lets help her
Barney Bear
Barney Bear is a great addition to your Christmas decoration. Or make him as a present to your daug
Luna Mouse
She is the prettiest mouse around. She loves everything that is colorful. Maybe this is why her ho